JiggyJU's MIND


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Letting Go Rough Draft Part 2

“Letting Go”, not only a very strong story but a story in which it motivated me to become a better writer. I just want to harp on the opening paragraph, this blew my mind, the way it was constructed and placed out had me attached immediately. I as a young man who thinks writing is his strong suit, was highly motivated and was instantaneously attached to everything this reader had to say. I wouldn’t say that there was a friction between me and what the author had to say, there was friction between myself and myself. One reason is, I think that writing and speaking is something I am good at, but when I read this first paragraph I was swept off my feet and showed that I have a lot of work left to do in becoming the writer I want to be. Atul Gawande, basically held my hand and tugged me through every situation and feeling that Sara was put into in such a short and simple manner. I would personally like to dive deeper into the tactics and ways that this author used in the opening paragraph to grasp the attention of a reader. This is how I want to open up every essay or short story I write. This friction was not a bad friction, this friction ignited a spark of motivation, curiosity and interest that will further motivate me into becoming the writer I want to be.

Me personally am not a stranger to cancer whatsoever, my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer a good 5 years ago, and it was a very life shifting moment of my life. The switch from being an everyday pre-teen kid that played outside until the street lights came on and eating junk food and playing video games all night. Then immediately having to be put into the shoes of having to become the man of the house when my mom had to stop playing the dad roll and having to minimize her mom roll as well. One thing I find astonishing and highly disrespectful, is the mind-blowing amount of money that has to be spent not only by the patient with these diseases but along with the family members who get pulled into it as well. If these doctors and nurses are trying to save a patient’s life or prolong their time on this earth. Why put them in debt enough to cause enough stress to damage their life even more than it has already been damaged by a uncontrollable force. Maybe just maybe, there can be a solution to this mainstream problem, and if there is it needs to be put into play as soon as possible. Imagine if you were on your deathbed knowing you are going to die in the coming weeks and you get a check that will be left with your family that not even half of it can be covered by them. Yes, I find this as a very big topic and a very big issue, now that has started a friction between me and whoever writes these checks.

One of the most powerful and baffling subjects that were brought to my attention was the fact that these doctors were basically messing with her life towards the end of her road. At the point where these doctors develop the balls to tell a patient that he or she is going to die, from that point forward every decision about what the next step in is prolonging their life, should be placed in the patient’s hands. Sara’s situation was she wanted to die peacefully inside her home surrounded by all of her memories, good or bad. Surrounded by all of the people who helped her along the way during her war against the army cancer. These doctors poked her 1,000 times with needles on every part of her body possible, shoved tubes in her throat, gave her medicine with side effects that a person who isn’t going through cancer wouldn’t be able to bear, and they still can’t respect the women’s decision on how she wants to leave this earth. I feel like this situation is a perfect example on how important it is to place a person’s life into their own hands. If the cancer is not going to allow a person to live, then why try and force something on that patient? If I am going to die over something that I can’t control, or the doctors I am paying my life savings to try and get rid of whatever is attacking me, I would at least like to be comfortable in the place I die.

This brings in one of many questions, why should doctors try and serve a patient quality of life rather than the quantity of their life? Meaning these doctors should try and make the patient’s life more comfortable even though we all know they are not comfortable. Also, meaning that if a patient wants to live the rest of their life care free and not hooked up to machines, not getting poked fifty times a day by needles, and not eating hospital food. Let them.

I personally believe that a human being should at least have a certain amount of control in their fate. Wether, they want to die peacefully in their own house or they want to live the rest of their life free, it should be their decision and be in their own hands. The longer your life is preserved with cancer or any type of terminal illness just means more suffering physically, mentally and emotionally for the patient and the patients loved ones. This question also brings in a conspiracy, are these doctors trying to preserve a patient’s life, so their pay check is bigger?

If someone dies in a hospital that simply means more procedures, tests and analytical findings. Which means, could’ve you have guessed? a nice big check at the end of a hard-fought life that is stuck with the family of the past. Which I find disrespectful to its fullest extent, there is no reason what so ever these doctors should be trying procedure after procedure to prolong a patient’s life and have them die in the hospital. I don’t think it is the doctor’s faults personally, I feel as if there is something way bigger than just the doctors and nurses controlling these actions.

Even though the pain that these people who suffer from these terminal illnesses is hard to even imagine, try and put yourself in the shoes of a person who is suffering from an illness of these sorts. Now imagine, already going through a couple surgeries and being told that you wouldn’t survive multiple times by multiple different doctors. You then personally decide between conversations with your family and looking into yourself that you would like to be placed into your home, so you could die in peace and around the things you love and have cherished your whole life. Then, after you make your appeal these doctors try their best to convince you to stay and begin to try one more treatment that they think will be the ice breaker into prolonging your life in a more comfortable way, this tactic is tried. It fails but over the time you spent in the hospital again, these doctors are being paid a lot more than what they would have been originally getting paid if they were to leave you go that day and go into your own house.

Why go through all of this pain and suffering, while these doctors watch, just so they can make your bank account suffer as well when you are gone?         I feel as if I have a simple solution to all of these sequential issues and problems that occur in today’s society. Everything we know is a business, no matter how long or how short the period of time you stay in the hospital, the doctors and nurses can still go home with a full wallet and a nice house. These professions are taught to keep their emotions out of the work place along with prison officers, cops, and FBI agents. All taught to keep their emotions out of the job because all that will do is get them into trouble, because the second you get emotionally attached to a patient in the doctor’s scenario or an inmate in the prison officer scenario, you will begin to do things you wouldn’t have if you weren’t attached to these people. Remember it is a business, everything is a business.

Letting Go Essay Rough Draft

“Letting Go”, not only a very strong story but a story in which it motivated me to become a better writer. I just want to harp on the opening paragraph, this blew my mind, the way it was constructed and placed out had me attached immediately. I as a young man who thinks writing is his strong suit, was highly motivated and was instantaneously attached to everything this reader had to say. I wouldn’t say that there was a friction between me and what the author had to say, there was friction between myself and myself. One reason is, I think that writing and speaking is something I am good at, but when I read this first paragraph I was swept off my feet and showed that I have a lot of work left to do in becoming the writer I want to be. Atul Gawande, basically held my hand and tugged me through every situation and feeling that Sara was put into in such a short and simple manner. I would personally like to dive deeper into the tactics and ways that this author used in the opening paragraph to grasp the attention of a reader. This is how I want to open up every essay or short story I write. This friction was not a bad friction, this friction ignited a spark of motivation, curiosity and interest that will further motivate me into becoming the writer I want to be.

Me personally am not a stranger to cancer whatsoever, my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer a good 5 years ago, and it was a very life shifting moment of my life. The switch from being an everyday pre-teen kid that played outside until the street lights came on and eating junk food and playing video games all night. Then immediately having to be put into the shoes of having to become the man of the house when my mom had to stop playing the dad roll and having to minimize her mom roll as well. One thing I find astonishing and highly disrespectful, is the mind-blowing amount of money that has to be spent not only by the patient with these diseases but along with the family members who get pulled into it as well. If these doctors and nurses are trying to save a patient’s life or prolong their time on this earth. Why put them in debt enough to cause enough stress to damage their life even more than it has already been damaged by a uncontrollable force. Maybe just maybe, there can be a solution to this mainstream problem, and if there is it needs to be put into play as soon as possible. Imagine if you were on your deathbed knowing you are going to die in the coming weeks and you get a check that will be left with your family that not even half of it can be covered by them. Yes, I find this as a very big topic and a very big issue, now that has started a friction between me and whoever writes these checks.

One of the most powerful and baffling subjects that were brought to my attention was the fact that these doctors were basically messing with her life towards the end of her road. At the point where these doctors develop the balls to tell a patient that he or she is going to die, from that point forward every decision about what the next step in is prolonging their life, should be placed in the patient’s hands. Sara’s situation was she wanted to die peacefully inside her home surrounded by all of her memories, good or bad. Surrounded by all of the people who helped her along the way during her war against the army cancer. These doctors poked her 1,000 times with needles on every part of her body possible, shoved tubes in her throat, gave her medicine with side effects that a person who isn’t going through cancer wouldn’t be able to bear, and they still can’t respect the women’s decision on how she wants to leave this earth. I feel like this situation is a perfect example on how important it is to place a person’s life into their own hands. If the cancer is not going to allow a person to live, then why try and force something on that patient? If I am going to die over something that I can’t control, or the doctors I am paying my life savings to try and get rid of whatever is attacking me, I would at least like to be comfortable in the place I die.

Curiosity Essay

Curiosity, the start of all amazing ideas and creations. Curiosity is the strong desire to learn or know something, and in this case these podcasts make you think in depth about everything the two men are talking about. Wether they are talking about cheetahs, how families survive, or why is bill gates so lucky. If you have curiosity I feel like you will be able to fully understand the concept you are trying to get deeper into. If you are tuned into an argument and you are curious about what points the opposing side is trying to make you will have a better understanding of the argument and it will help you make more valid points in your argument.

What comes to my mind when I have to compose a curiosity driven essay? Curiosity strikes first because the first time I read that question, I had no clue of what to think. But when I try to think deeper into the question and dissect it into parts it becomes easier. First, I had to find the curiosity to get into this essay, but once I got into it was very easy to roll through it. Secondly, I feel as if the way you are brought up at a young age can have a huge effect in how you carry yourself when you see a stranger in need of help. You have to be raised in a certain matter to be able to go out of your way to help someone in need. If you watched your mother struggle or watched someone you loved deeply to struggle, you would therefore have the background and insight information on how much people need a helping hand when they need one. Maybe that could be a secret to success, maybe it couldn’t.

Some open-ended questions that I would like to read about is I would like to be put into a situation describing, being in the position of having to help someone in need. One reason is because I want to know what and how I would respond to a situation like that. I would also like to be put into a situation like that kind of like an experiment, I feel like that would be a pretty cool public experiment to try on society, maybe try and set up someone who is “in need” in different areas. Curiosity can take you into a whole bunch of different scenarios and different feelings, it just depends on how focused you are on the topic at hand


Portrait Attention

During the line drawing activity, I was in a different state of mind, different then if you were to draw a regular picture. This activity needed a little bit more focus and a little more attention to detail. I had to attempt to do as much detailed drawing as possible, which had my mind working a little harder than it would usually be working if I had to draw a regular picture.

I felt that it was hard for me to try and make every line perfect and to correctly resemble the original picture. I also felt that it was difficult to stay on task especially when your lines aren’t as equal as the others.

I feel like depending on the situation you are put in is the way you react and the way you pay your attentiveness. Also, a big part in that is if you find what you’re paying attention to interesting or somewhat in relation to you. Like, if we were told to make a drawing representing the things you live for or enjoying doing. Mostly everyone in the class would have no problem with that and some pretty good papers will be handed in. If we were told to draw something that we don’t like or have relation to you will get a very uninterested drawing.


Office Hour Visit

I have decided to go to my bio teacher, for a couple of reasons, one reason is because I made a mistake in using the last of my, little bit of money I had on the wrong activation code. So, in conclusion, she pulled some strings and found a way to get me a gift card to the bookstore, so I could buy the correct activation code. I had expectations that added up to just getting some help on my bio work as well as getting the correct activation code, so I can get on top of my missed work.

After I went I realized that it was a very smart decision of me to go, I ended up getting the correct activation code and doing all the work I missed out on. Besides all of the activation code mess, I went and talked to Mrs. Koper about my grade and how I could catch up on all the worked I missed out on during the period of time that I didn’t have the right access code. I learned a couple more vocabulary words that were important to getting a good grade on my exam. This made me realize that some of these teachers in this University aren’t as bad as they think. I thought that this was a good experience and helped me a lot academically, I will definitely be attending more office hours.

Post Conference Report 1

Before going into this conference, I thought to myself that it was too early and that it was going to be a big waste of my time. I was mistaken. This was a very helpful period of time, so helpful that we didn’t even finish talking about the first objective on the checklist, because of all the questions and information that I was receiving and the conversations that were being shared. Basically, the information and advice that I was given by Dr. Drown was basically to try more of the tactics and annotation skills. I had tried some of the sills and ways to make my writing better but not as much as I could’ve.

I would say my creative writing ability is pretty good and the ways I can incorporate my writing to the story and relate my writing to my personal life. I also think I have a strong vocabulary when it comes to certain types of essays. But when I had my conference it opened up my eyes to a lot of things I can definitely improve on and become better at. One of those things is the easiest one of my mistakes that I can fix which is my ability to be on top of my work and that is just a mental thing that I can easily fix. But in the reading and writing world I have a handful of things I can either fix or work on. I need to read more because not only can it stimulate your mind, but it can increase your vocabulary and give your ideas on sentence structure and ways to form a paragraph like the professional writers do.

I need to just get my mind in the right place and start to get on top of all my work not only in English class but a couple more classes as well. In an English aspect, I need to work on how to keep my essays on the same track and not to derail the conversation at hand. Me and Dr. Drown looked through my essay and that was one of my bigger issues, its an easy fix but it is also a very important one. I feel as if I am doing pretty well in the class itself, I need to read more, use the writing tactics shown to me and become a better student overall, and that includes being a leader in the classroom.

Re. An Animal’s Place

Julian Connerton

September 21

Singer and Pollan, two men, two different beliefs, and one endless argument. Both sides felt strongly about what they believed in and both sides displayed a handful of valid arguments and ways to counteract the others opinion or facts. Singer’s view is that eating and killing animals is inhumane because he thinks that the animals have feelings and shouldn’t be treated like just pieces of meat, Singer is upset that animals get slaughtered for their bodies and used to eat, he believes that these animals should have been able to live a full life and be slaughtered in the most humane ways possible. Which is very understandable, some people have a lot of respect for the environment and what it brings to the world. I feel as if this belief can’t be anything but respected because no matter how much we want to argue about eating a pig or a cow, they all help the environment in some way shape or form. On the other hand, Pollan believes the opposite, which is that it is perfectly fine to eat and kill animals. I relate to this because, me myself, I am a big chicken, pork, and beef fan all that good food makes my mouth water writing this essay.

I feel as if this same controversial argument has been going on for a very long time, not just with Singer and Pollan. But with a whole bunch of other activistwho share the same beliefs. Some people who believe in not eating meat, don’t just not eat meat. They may just not trust the farms that these pigs, cows or lamb come from. The people who lack trust in some of the farms that raise these animals, may eat farm fresh or they may go to the farm and watch the way these animals are living and the way they are slaughtered. While I understand both sides of the argument, my own view may favor both sides but lean towards another. I eat meat, its that simple, and that won’t stop, but I also sometimes disagree with the way some of these farms treat their animals, I don’t believe animals have a conscious, but any living thing should be treated with at least a little bit of respect. Even though in the past we as humans would hunt, skin and then eat these animals. The still lived a good healthy and free life. Some people just don’t understand that this topic of eating meat has been going on for millions of years.

In one of Singers arguments he claims that people eating and killing animals can be compared to “a form of discrimination as indefensible as racism or anti-Semitism”. (Paragraph 2). I personally thought that was a very risky description, because it is a touchy subject and in my eyes that cannot be compared to racism at all. Pollan states, and I quote “Animals kill one another all the times. Why treat animals more ethically than they treat one another?” This is a very logical point; in which it makes you think about the animal’s lives including yours and how you treat animals and other people. Pollan played a very smart roll using that as an argument, because of the simple fact that he used a common-sense fact. Instead of going all the way out of his way to get clarification on a point that didn’t need to be proven or justified. They are two very respectable arguments, and it is up to you to decide which one you will support.

In this verbal war, reinforcements were called just like every war or fight. So, they both didn’t do this alone, Singer had a couple of sources he used to help prove his point and so did Pollan. Singer went around and talked to a handful of people and got their opinions on the situations who are in support of animal rights. Another one of Singer’s sources is a man who goes by the name of “J.M. Coetzee”, he states “Will history someday judge us as harshly as it judges the Germans who went about their ordinary lives in the shadow Treblinka?” (Paragraph 20) then after he tries and states that point, “a crime of stupefying proportions”. (Paragraph 20). This quote means, that maybe one day we will get judged and punished for eating meat.

As well as Singer, Pollan had to bring his reinforcements to help him prove his point and back his arguments up. Most of Pollan’s points that he personally made without the help of anyone else were really helpful on his part. In Pollan’s view as well as mine, A man who goes by the name of Descartes’s writes, “animals cannot feel pain because they lack a soul” (paragraph 36).He then begins to relate his argument to the way scientist test the medicines that help treat us, the way “researchers study head trauma by traumatizing chimpanzee heads” (paragraph 36), and “psychologist attempt to induce depression and learned helplessness” (paragraph 36). Philosopher Daniel C. Dennett is one of Pollan’s allies and he suggests to “draw a distinction between pain, which a great many of animals experience, and suffering, which depends on a degree of self-consciousness only a few animals appear to command” (paragraph 37). Basically, his point is if you try to create or attempt to find a way to understand an animal’s reaction to death or anything bad, that you wouldn’t be able to, because we as humans have no way of really understand what goes on in an animal’s mind or head. Humans have plenty of different ways of reacting to suffering and it is a handful of different emotions that these animals do not have. Including the feelings of loss, sadness, worry, regret, or self-pity. On that note, to pretty much end that argument that Pollan placed at hand, Dennett writes “If we fail to find suffering in the animals lives we can see, we can rest assured there is no visible suffering” (paragraph 40).

When I first heard about what we were going to be reading about in class, I personally thought it was a very pointless argument and that it would do nothing but, make me think about why am I even writing this paper? But I was mistaken, this “endless conversation” made me realize a bunch of things, including no matter what I personally believe in and how strongly I feel about that certain belief, there is someone else out there that either feels the exact same way and there is also someone out there that totally disagrees with how I feel. To sum up my belief, I believe that us as humans were bread from way back when to eat meat, even though we can survive without it, it has been a part of how we do things for a very long time. It is a part of our full development as a species. Pollan personally has won my support in his argument, I just think Singer’s arguments are just empty and don’t prove as many points as he needs, because when you think about it, Singer is trying to argue a point that is not as common to the regular human being. Most of the human population will demolish a nice cheesesteak or a burger if you put it in front of them and they are hungry. My point is Pollan believed in the more common side of the argument so he already has a support boost, and then Singer does not help himself with his allies.

September 19

Singer and Pollan, two men, two different beliefs, and one endless argument. Both sides felt strongly about what they believed in and both sides had a handful of valid arguments and ways to counteract the others opinion or facts. Singer’s view is that eating and killing animals is inhumane because he thinks that the animals have feelings and shouldn’t be treated in those ways. On the other hand, Pollan believes the opposite, which is that it is perfectly fine to eat and kill animals. In one of Singers arguments he claims that people eating and killing these animals can be compared to “a form of discrimination as indefensible as racism or anti-Semitism”. (Paragraph 2). I personally thought that was a very risky description, because it is a touchy subject and in my eyes that cannot be compared to racism at all. Pollan states, and I quote “Animals kill one another all the times. Why treat animals more ethically than they treat one another?” This is a very logical point; in which it makes you think about the animal’s lives including yours and how you treat animals and other people.

In this verbal war, reinforcements were called just like every war or fight. So, they both didn’t do this alone, Singer had a couple of sources he used to help prove his point and so did Pollan. Singer went around and talked to a handful of people and got their opinions on the situations who are in support of animal rights. Another one of Singer’s sources is a man who goes by the name of “J.M. Coetzee”, he states that “Will history someday judge us as harshly as it judges the Germans who went about their ordinary lives in the shadow Treblinka?” (Paragraph 20) then after he tries and states that point, “a crime of stupefying proportions”. (Paragraph 20). This quote means, that maybe one day we will get judged and punished for eating meat.

As well as Singer, Pollan had to bring his reinforcements to help him prove his point and back his arguments up. Most of Pollan’s points that he personally made without the help of anyone else were really helpful on his part. In Pollan’s view as well as mine, Pollan himself writes, “animals cannot feel pain because they lack a soul” (paragraph 36). He then begins to relate his argument to the way scientist test the medicines that help treat us, the way “researchers study head trauma by traumatizing chimpanzee heads” (paragraph 36), and “psychologist attempt to induce depression and learned helplessness” (paragraph 36). Philosopher Daniel C. Dennett is one of Pollan’s allies and he suggests to “draw a distinction between pain, which a great many of animals experience, and suffering, which depends on a degree of self-consciousness only a few animals appear to command” (paragraph 37). Basically, his point is if you try to create or attempt to find a way to understand an animal’s reaction to death or anything bad, that you wouldn’t be able to, because we as humans have no way of really understand what goes on in an animal’s mind or head. Humans have plenty of different ways of reacting to suffering and it is a handful of different emotions that these animals do not have. Including the feelings of loss, sadness, worry, regret, or self-pity. On that note, to pretty much end that argument that Pollan placed at hand, Dennett writes “If we fail to find suffering in the animals lives we can see, we can rest assured there is no visible suffering” (paragraph 40).

When I first heard about what we were going to be reading about in class, I personally thought it was a very pointless argument and that it would do nothing but, make me think about why am I even writing this paper? But I was mistaken, this “endless conversation” made me realize a bunch of things, including no matter what I personally believe in and how strongly I feel about that certain belief, there is someone else out there that either feels the exact same way and there is also someone out there that totally disagrees with how I feel. To sum up my belief, I believe that us as humans were bread from way back when to eat meat, even though we can survive without it, it has been a part of how we do things for a very long time. It is a part of our full development as a species. I don’t think either of Singer’s or Pollan’s arguments are wrong because I have no room to judge another person’s beliefs. This was a very interesting way of making me realize a lot about a belief that I never would’ve thought two people felt so strongly about.


September 23

An Animals Place Essay

Singer and Pollan, two men, two different beliefs, and one endless argument. Both sides felt strongly about what they believed in and both sides displayed a number of valid arguments and ways to counteract the others opinion or facts. Singer’s view is that eating and killing animals is inhumane because he thinks that the animals have feelings and shouldn’t be treated like just pieces of meat, Singer is upset that animals get slaughtered for their bodies and used to eat, he believes that these animals should have been able to live a full life and be slaughtered in the most humane ways possible. Which is very understandable, some people have a lot of respect for the environment and what it brings to the world. I feel as if this belief can’t be anything but respected because no matter how much we want to argue about eating a pig or a cow, they all help the environment in some way shape or form. On the other hand, Pollan believes the opposite, which is that it is perfectly fine to eat and kill animals. Pollan and I share something jn common from the start of this reading, and that is his belief, I also am a big meat fan and that is not to bash on Singer’s belief it is just to show how I feel and how I relate to Pollan.

I feel as if this same controversial argument has been going on for a very long time, not just with Singer and Pollan. But with a whole bunch of other activistswho share the same beliefs. Some people who believe in not eating meat, don’t just not eat meat. They may just not trust the farms that these pigs, cows or lamb come from. The people who lack trust in some of the farms that raise these animals, may eat farm fresh or they may go to the farm and watch the way these animals are living and the way they are slaughtered. While I understand both sides of the argument, my own view may favor both sides but lean towards another. I eat meat, it’s that simple, and that won’t stop, but I also sometimes disagree with the way some of these farms treat their animals, I don’t believe animals have a conscious, but any living thing should be treated with at least a little bit of respect. Even though in the past we as humans would hunt, skin and then eat these animals. The still lived a good healthy and free life. Some people just don’t understand that this topic of eating meat has been going on for millions of years.

In one of Singers arguments he claims that people eating and killing animals can be compared to “a form of discrimination as indefensible as racism or anti-Semitism”. (Paragraph 2). I personally thought that was a very risky description, because it is a touchy subject and in my eyes that cannot be compared to racism at all. Pollan states, and I quote “Animals kill one another all the times. Why treat animals more ethically than they treat one another?” This is a very logical point; in which it makes you think about the animal’s lives including yours and how you treat animals and other people. Pollan played a very smart roll using that as an argument, because of the simple fact that he used a common-sense fact. Instead of going all the way out of his way to get clarification on a point that didn’t need to be proven or justified. They are two very respectable arguments, and it is up to you to decide which one you will support.

In this verbal war, reinforcements were called just like every war or fight. So, they both didn’t do this alone, Singer had a couple of sources he used to help prove his point and so did Pollan. Singer went around and talked to a handful of people and got their opinions on the situations who are in support of animal rights. Another one of Singer’s sources is a man who goes by the name of “J.M. Coetzee”, he states “Will history someday judge us as harshly as it judges the Germans who went about their ordinary lives in the shadow Treblinka?” (Paragraph 20) then after he tries and states that point, “a crime of stupefying proportions”. (Paragraph 20). This quote means, that maybe one day we will get judged and punished for eating meat. I believe that if this was a true statement, we as a human race would have been punished a very long time ago for eating meat. This perfectly represents my point that some people get so indulged in their beliefs that they forget their common sense. We have been eating meet for the longest time, and we will be “judged and punished”. The people who eat meat already get judged by people like singer so that makes sense. But like I stated, we should have already been punished if that was going to happen.

As well as Singer, Pollan had to bring his reinforcements to help him prove his point and back his arguments up. Most of Pollan’s points that he personally made without the help of anyone else were really helpful on his part. In Pollan’s view as well as mine, A man who goes by the name of Descartes’s writes, “animals cannot feel pain because they lack a soul” (paragraph 36).He then begins to relate his argument to the way scientist test the medicines that help treat us, the way “researchers study head trauma by traumatizing chimpanzee heads” (paragraph 36), and “psychologist attempt to induce depression and learned helplessness” (paragraph 36). Philosopher Daniel C. Dennett is one of Pollan’s allies and he suggests to “draw a distinction between pain, which a great many of animals experience, and suffering, which depends on a degree of self-consciousness only a few animals appear to command” (paragraph 37). Basically, his point is if you try to create or attempt to find a way to understand an animal’s reaction to death or anything bad, that you wouldn’t be able to, because we as humans have no way of really understanding what goes on in an animal’s mind or head. Humans have plenty of different ways of reacting to suffering and it is a handful of different emotions that these animals do not have. Including the feelings of loss, sadness, worry, regret, or self-pity. On that note, to pretty much end that argument that Pollan placed at hand, Dennett writes “If we fail to find suffering in the animals lives we can see, we can rest assured there is no visible suffering” (paragraph 40).

When I first heard about what we were going to be reading about in class, I personally thought it was a very pointless argument and that it would do nothing but, make me think about why am I even writing this paper? But I was mistaken, this “endless conversation” made me realize a bunch of things, including no matter what I personally believe in and how strongly I feel about that certain belief, there is someone else out there that either feels the exact same way and there is also someone out there that totally disagrees with how I feel. To sum up my belief, I believe that us as humans were bread from way back when to eat meat, even though we can survive without it, it has been a part of how we do things for a very long time. It is a part of our full development as a species. Pollan personally has won my support in his argument, I just think Singer’s arguments are just empty and don’t prove as many points as Pollan did and he didn’t prove as many points as he needed to for his argument, because when you think about it, Singer is trying to argue a point that is not as common to the regular human being. Most of the human population will demolish a nice cheesesteak or a burger if you put it in front of them and they are hungry. My point is Pollan believed in the more common side of the argument, so he already has a support boost, and then Singer does not help himself with his allies.

Even though I weigh into Pollan’s arguments more and play his side as well, Singer had his moments of shine as well as Pollan. Some of Singer’s points weren’t bad, and he also helped me open up my eyes to the problem at hand. Which is the way some of these animals are treating in these farms. So even if Singer didn’t win my whole support, he did his part in making this problem noticeable, and making me realize that these animals are not being treated correctly. I don’t support the way these animals are treated, and I do support Singer in his supports of bringing awareness to the way these animals are treated.

September 24

Final An Animals Place Essay

Singer and Pollan, two men, two different beliefs, and one endless argument. Both sides felt strongly about what they believed in and both sides displayed a number of valid arguments and ways to counteract the others opinion or facts. Singer’s view is that eating and killing animals is inhumane because he thinks that the animals have feelings and shouldn’t be treated like just pieces of meat, Singer is upset that animals get slaughtered for their bodies and used to eat, he believes that these animals should have been able to live a full life and be slaughtered in the most humane ways possible. Which is very understandable, some people have a lot of respect for the environment and what it brings to the world. I feel as if this belief can’t be anything but respected because no matter how much we want to argue about eating a pig or a cow, they all help the environment in some way shape or form. On the other hand, Pollan believes the opposite, which is that it is perfectly fine to eat and kill animals. Pollan and I share something jn common from the start of this reading, and that is his belief, I also am a big meat fan and that is not to bash on Singer’s belief it is just to show how I feel and how I relate to Pollan.

I feel as if this same controversial argument has been going on for a very long time, not just with Singer and Pollan. But with a whole bunch of other activistswho share the same beliefs. Some people who believe in not eating meat, don’t just not eat meat. Pollan took a trip to Polyface farm and that is how he made me realize that people, may just not trust the farms that these pigs, cows or lamb come from. The people who lack trust in some of the farms that raise these animals, may eat farm fresh or theymaygo to the farm and watch the way these animals are living and the way they are slaughtered. While I understand both sides of the argument, my own view may favor both sides but lean towards another. I eat meat, it’s that simple, and that won’t stop, but I also sometimes disagree with the way some of these farms treat their animals, I don’t believe animals have a conscious, but any living thing should be treated with at least a little bit of respect. Even though in the past we as humans would hunt, skin and then eat these animals. The still lived a good healthy and free life. Some people just don’t understand that this topic of eating meat has been going on for millions of years.

In one of Singers arguments he claims that people eating and killing animals can be compared to “a form of discrimination as indefensible as racism or anti-Semitism”. (Paragraph 2). I personally thought that was a very risky description, because it is a touchy subject and in my eyes that cannot be compared to racism at all. Pollan states, and I quote “Animals kill one another all the times. Why treat animals more ethically than they treat one another?” This is a very logical point; in which it makes you think about the animal’s livesincluding yours and how you treat animals and other people. Pollan played a very smart roll using that as an argument, because of the simple fact that he used a common-sense fact. Instead of going all the way out of his way to get clarification on a point that didn’t need to be proven or justified. They are two very respectable arguments, and it is up to you to decide which one you will support.

In this verbal war, reinforcements were called just like every war or fight. So, they both didn’t do this alone, Singer had a couple of sources he used to help prove his point and so did Pollan. Singer went around and talked to a handful of people and got their opinions on the situation, who are in support of animal rights. Another one of Singer’s sources is a man who goes by the name of “J.M. Coetzee”, he states “Will history someday judge us as harshly as it judges the Germans who went about their ordinary lives in the shadow of Treblinka?” (Paragraph 20) then after he tries and states that point, “a crime of stupefying proportions”. (Paragraph 20). This quote means, that maybe one day we will get judged and punished for eating meat. While Singer compares eating meat to a form of racism, I believe that argument set his argument was flawed. And my honest opinion on that situation won’t change. I still believe that that was an argument that was risky, and it set me off. Yes, you can compare the two, but only to a certain extent. One reason is that, people and animals are two totally different things. To this day we still own dogs and cats. Do we still have the right to own humans? No. In your eyes which was the bigger problem if they were to be weighed in? Not to say the argument of animals being mistreated is not valid, but you just can’t compare racism to the argument of animals being mistreated. I say that this “point” was risky because someone can easily take that the wrong way.

As well as Singer, Pollan had to bring his reinforcements to help him prove his point and back his arguments up. Most of Pollan’s points that he personally made without the help of anyone else were really helpful on his part. In Pollan’s view as well as mine, A man who goes by the name of Descartes’s writes, “animals cannot feel pain because they lack a soul” (paragraph 36).He then begins to relate his argument to the way scientist test the medicines that help treat us, the way “researchers study head trauma by traumatizing chimpanzee heads” (paragraph 36), and “psychologist attempt to induce depression and learned helplessness” (paragraph 36). Philosopher Daniel C. Dennett is one of Pollan’s allies and he suggests to “draw a distinction between pain, which a great many of animals experience, and suffering, which depends on a degree of self-consciousness only a few animals appear to command” (paragraph 37). Basically, his point is if you try to create or attempt to find a way to understand an animal’s reaction to death or anything bad, that you wouldn’t be able to, because we as humans have no way of really understanding what goes on in an animal’s mind or head. Humans have plenty of different ways of reacting to suffering and it is a handful of different emotions that these animals do not have. Including the feelings of loss, sadness, worry, regret, or self-pity. On that note, to pretty much end that argument that Pollan placed at hand, Dennett writes “If we fail to find suffering in the animals lives we can see, we can rest assured there is no visible suffering” (paragraph 40).

When I first heard about what we were going to be reading about in class, I personally thought it was a very pointless argument and that it would do nothing, but make me think about why am I even writing this paper? But I was mistaken, this “endless conversation” made me realize a bunch of things, including no matter what I personally believe in and how strongly I feel about that certain belief, there is someone else out there that either feels the exact same way and there is also someone out there that totally disagrees with how I feel. To sum up my belief, I believe that us as humans were bread from a long time ago to hunt, kill and eat animals even though we can survive without it, it has been a part of how we do things for a very long time. It is a part of our full development as a species. Pollan personally has won my support in his argument, I just think Singer’s arguments are just empty and don’t prove as many points as Pollan did, and he didn’t prove as many points as he needed to for his argument, because when you think about it, Singer is trying to argue a point that has less supporters from the start because an average human being would eat a burger if you put it in front of them and they are hungry. Singer just has a smaller support base because of the simple fact that there are more people who eat meat rather than not eat meat.

Even though I weigh into Pollan’s arguments more and play his side as well, Singer had his moments of shine as well as Pollan. Some of Singer’s points weren’t bad, and he also helped me open up my eyes to the problem at hand. Which is the way some of these animals are treated in these farms. So even if Singer didn’t win my whole support, he did his part in making this problem noticeable, and making me realize that these animals are not being treated correctly. I don’t support the way these animals are treated, and I do support Singer in his supports of bringing awareness to the way these animals are treated.





Guest Speaker 9/10/2018

Today in class we had a guest speaker, someone one year older than me, but very wise. He was very honest whether it was brutally honest, or it was just a simple honest answer to a simple question. He answered our questions about the class I am currently taking and the classes I will be taking in the future, homework, tests, professors, he had an answer for everything. My classmates and I asked a handful of questions, a couple questions stood out to me.

I’ve been told countless amounts of times to do my homework and ask questions but coming from someone around my age range. It has a stronger base because he has recently been in my shoes, recently had the same exact classes, recently had the same professors, and had some of the same work. I don’t think I took anything to heart, but I definitely took everything he said to my classmates and I and put it in the filing cabinet in my head. I was also told to take real deep care and take my time on my website because that will keep my work nice and organized and make my professors job as well as mine easier.

I was surprised a couple of times, one time I was surprised was when he was talking about the tests and homework, I was told that the hardest part is the “amount of work not the intensity of the work. Most of the work is generally easy, you just have to get used and become comfortable with the amount of work.”

I thought that listening to what the speaker had to say and what the speakers answers meant to us as a class was a wonderful idea and helped a lot .

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