JiggyJU's MIND


Anti-Rasicm Movement

Coming from a place the total opposite of where we are sitting now, in Maine. A mainly white populated place, with very little people of color. Compared to South Jersey in my area there are hardly any white people, I won’t lie I was nervous. Coming from where if you see a white person walking the street where I stood you wonder, “That guy is lost”. I thought I would come to the University of New England be one of those guys. I thought I would stick out like a sore thumb.  

To my realization, I am not that guy. This area is most definitely considered to be a “white space”, but I feel no different. Yes, to my naked eye I don’t see people whom I can physically resemble myself to but what I can’t see with my naked eye is the people here are very welcoming. Most of the people whom I have been surrounded by over the course of my first year in college, don’t even see me different from anyone else. So, I feel as if there will not be any really huge racial road blocks in the way of the movement.  

I don’t think it should take too much to start an “anti-racial” movement here at UNE. I feel me personally has some big connections. I feel like I can make this happen quicker than a normal UNE student. I have a handful of powerful strong ties I can choose from to start this movement here. I have a huge group of football guys that I know would help me 100% start this movement and get it going. I also have a good relationship with the president himself, along with the social media department and the people who run all the social media accounts and handles the post cards and acceptance letters. I also have a big group of very good friends that would be more than happy to help me on my endeavors in starting this movement.  

There are many social habits that may become a distraction to the momentum of my movement. I feel like one of the biggest social habit that I will run into is the simple fact that people nowadays make it hard to talk about race if you are the opposite color of the person you are talking to. Society makes it seem like a white person can’t talk to a black person about race or racism. Which is something that I feel is completely wrong. Everyone should be able to have a say in the topic of race; it is and has been happening on our US turf for years on end. At this point it is everyone’s problem.  

I feel like if that simple social habit were to be minimized into an understanding with whoever is a part of the movement things would be able to move quicker and way more smoothly. I would personally make multiple statements about how it is more than okay to talk to a person opposite of color about the topic of race. After that problem is minimized there will of course be outside sources looking in and they will have their own words to say. But that’s just what comes with attempting to start a movement. Especially a movement of this sort.  

This is a very powerful movement I am trying to start here, and I understand that. This comes with plenty road blocks and negative things can be said and misinterpreted, there is a lot of pressure that comes with the movement. But we are humans and we are built to fight through the pressure.  And once that happens, there will be change and it will be big.  

Post Meeting Finalized Paper

Julian Connerton 

Dr. Eric Drown 

English 123 

12 April 2019 


Modern Day “Race” Issues, Is There A Way to End Societal “Race” Issues? 

The Whiteness Project and the Blackness Project are both huge statement makers. Both projects portray a loud voice with very strong statements involving the racial tensions that run throughout the US today. Both projects give the people who participated a chance to share their personal experience with the problem of racism or to just speak about the topic of race. I feel like all these people on both sides had something to say about the topic at hand. Some things that the people in the whiteness project said were senseless and arrogant but some of the other people in the whiteness project said some things that really made me realize that there are good people who don’t use the color of their skin as a perk. On the other hand, the blackness project displays the same boundaries where people talk about their experiences and things of that such. The blackness project felt deeper obviously because, number one I can relate to their problems, but they also have firsthand experience with the problems that come with racial tensions and racism.    

Most of the African American culture has a feeling of not being able to do certain things because society portrays them to being incapable of holding certain positions and jobs. An article in the New York Times perfectly demonstrates and portrays the topics at hand. The article states that, “Ramon Ray, 46, a New Jersey entrepreneur, always dresses in a suit or a sweater. But he has still been asked by strangers to park a car or been handed luggage or a coat to hang up. The bias, Mr. Ray said, was an assumption that he was “the help.” He is also aware of the racist assumption that black men are menacing. It has prompted him to modify his behavior in ways that include keeping his distance from white female strangers, especially in isolated places like parking lots.” There is your reality.   

“Race”, just reading, hearing, or seeing the word gives me so many flashbacks or being profiled, demoralized or verbally abused. Even when it is told as a joke it still makes me feel a certain type of way of being in the skin I am in, but I will never shame myself for who I am. This statement can be related to the fact that I feel as police or the people who are supposed to be protecting us are either killing us or taking their time saving us because of this idea of race. In the blackness project a man who was interviewed says, “We all a army you know and out here instead of the police doing out here what they doing we suppose to be policing our own communities. When you seeing something out here some type of injustice don’t be a punk man intervein say something that’s your right to say something you know what I mean.” This is a pure example of how black people have become accustomed to trying their best to save themselves and set rules for themselves. There is one more example that explains how just the color of our skin has labeled us as the enemy over the years. Jamie shares her experience, “Every time I come in contact with police it’s always a problem of course, I’m black you white you part of the law I’m a black man out here you think I’m selling drugs, well actually I’m on my way to work.” 

The issue involving “race” is a figure in everyone’s lives, white or black but it may just figure and effect our lives in different ways. What is even worse about this topic of conversation is that I know some people who use these labels and definitions against other people, or they use it for their own sake, instead of trying to get out of the habit of these labels and definitions. For example, Connor from the whiteness project states, “There have been plenty of times where I had consciously taken advantage of the fact that I am white and umm you know I always kind of knew that if I got in trouble I could just get a lawyer, suit up, show up and it’ll just be a slap on the wrist” for example “I’ve been arrested at least 20 times and the only thing that I have on my record is public intoxication”. This very well describes the way “race” effected/effects Connors life. Another example on how “race” effects a white person’s life, “When I got my job for example, I walked in there, and I just looked like a clean cut white person, and they hired me pretty much because of that reason, it’s just the small things that no one really notices, but life’s a little bit easier being white.”- Nicholas from the whiteness project. In this quote Nicholas clearly states that it is just much more easier being white. These are all not things that are monumental in these people’s lives, they won’t have to hide their true self and put on a false persona to get a job. They don’t have to cover their identity when walking in a store, so they don’t get accused of stealing.   

The Blackness Project, this is not a clap back at the whiteness project even though that is what it may seem to be. But the Blackness Project is a story, an insight, a learning experience for the people who don’t experience. These people who spoke in this project are people who I relate to on a level in which the Caucasian community. This story is a story about what the African American race has been going through for over 265 years. From slavery to modern day mental enslavement. A story about the trials and tribulations of what we as a race go through on a regular day basis. A story on experience and pain, that pain that will be forever embedded in the African American people’s minds and souls. An insight on these people’s individual stories, these individual struggles that they endure. And finally, a learning experience, take it however you’d like but watching this should be a learning experience in a way that you try and put yourself in the shoes of the people who struggle, the poor, the mentally weak, the people who fall short of societal demands.   

We all have a shadow; it is not always visible because sometimes it may be dark outside or there just may be no light where you are standing now. But our shadows are there, they are just something we live with whether they are behind you or beside you. The African American culture is constantly judged by the shadows of their past, “aggressive”, “thieves”, a whole bunch of names and things that people define the black culture as just because of the look of a shadow, something you can’t even see clearly. The black culture has been enslaved in many different forms, and yes, in my eyes black people are still enslaved. Maybe not physically but mentally, we wake up knowing that some societal norms and the way society talks about black people not being able to complete school, have certain jobs, or do certain things.  

“Race”, “race” has been an ongoing issue for years, I feel like this is the root of all our problems as a human race. “Race” has taken over the way we work as a society, it has diminished opportunities on a societal and personal standpoint, If you pretend to say that the idea of “race” is not real and is not alive and well than this may not be your favorite piece of writing.   

Here’s a simple way to make you realize that “race” is alive and well. What is the first thing you see when you see someone in a distance whether it is at a bar, park or football game? Most of today’s society will say that they see the color of one’s skin, in which I am not surprised about. All of these consecutive years of the simple label of black and white manipulated the human mind to the point where the color of someone’s skin is the first thing you see when you lay your eyes on them. It all started with the simple label of black, white, tan, purple, pink all these labels were the start of something big. I know some people wish they didn’t see like this and I know some people wish that they didn’t have this habit. I am a product of this, no I am not racist what so ever, but I usually see the color of someone’s skin before anything. This just shows that there is a problem and it has been passed down.   

I personally cannot believe that this is a conversation that is still happening, that this is a conversation that is held on an everyday basis. Lorna from the blackness project states “”I felt frustration, I felt frustrated because it is a clear indication that we are still having the same conversation that we were having when I was younger, I thought we would have advanced by now”. For years upon years this has been an ongoing problem throughout out many different generations of people. And all these people go through the same issues even when they are generations apart, they still relate to older generations problems. This shows how deep our blood runs, through suffering, mental and physically destruction, abuse, and every single African American soul is affected. That’s the deep story.   

Not only did we label people by the color of their skin, but we gave a definition and stereotype to the color. Whites are usually the wealthier and proper group, compared to blacks where they are defined as the poorer and unproper and ghetto group. In one of the articles in the transcripts Suzanne states, “So, by 1691, we have a definition of white and we have constructed race in what becomes the United States. It’s important that we see this creation was for the upliftment of white people, primarily to support the white people at the top. Poor and working-class whites will get little. They will get just as much as is needed to ensure their allegiance.” – Suzanne. This quote clearly represents my point of the labels and definitions we give.   

If you want my honest opinion, I feel that there would never be an end to racism, I feel like if there was an end. The forever lasting scar would be prone to reopen any time of the day. The only way I feel as if there would be close to an end of racism is raising the next generation of children to no see people as the color of their skin but the color of their blood. Because in that sense we are all the same and equal. But, the downfall to attempting that is, the racists people would not be for raising their children to become not racist, I am a firm believer in you are not born a racist you are taught to be a racist. 

I speak from the heart; I speak from experience and I speak for the people who can’t. This topic of conversation has been detrimental to my life along with the life of millions of other colored people in this country. Everything I spoke on is true, pure, and my reality. If there were to ever be an end to the racial diversity, the judgement of another person’s skin, and the labels put on my people, I don’t think it will be permanent. I would treat this topic as a healing wound that would never be fully healed. If there were to ever be an end to the racial injustice of today’s modern-day society, it would have to be a complete one-hundred-eighty degree turn in the beliefs in the next generations views on the color of someone’s skin. I see that as nearly impossible simply because there will always be one person who is taught to be racist or taught to look at black people as the labels that are already stamped on us. I hope this piece of writing gives you an insight on the life I live along with the life of other minorities. We need to unite and stand as one and defeat the constant persistence of racial judgement.  

Final Product (before full revision)

Julian Connerton 

Dr. Eric Drown 

English 123 

12 April 2019 


Modern Day “Race” Issues, Is There A Way to End Societal “Race” Issues? 

The Whiteness Project and the Blackness Project are both huge statement makers. Both projects portray a loud voice with very strong statements involving the racial tensions that run throughout the US today. Both projects give the people who participated a chance to share their personal experience with the problem of racism or to just speak about the topic of race. I feel like all these people on both sides had something to say about the topic at hand. Some things that the people in the whiteness project said were senseless and arrogant but some of the other people in the whiteness project said some things that really made me realize that there are good people who don’t use the color of their skin as a perk. On the other hand, the blackness project displays the same boundaries where people talk about their experiences and things of that such. The blackness project felt deeper obviously because, number one I can relate to their problems, but they also have firsthand experience with the problems that come with racial tensions and racism.   

The issue involving “race” is a figure in everyone’s lives, white or black but it may just figure and effect our lives in different ways. For example, Connor from the whiteness project states, “There have been plenty of times where I had consciously taken advantage of the fact that I am white and umm you know I always kind of knew that if I got in trouble I could just get a lawyer, suit up, show up and it’ll just be a slap on the wrist” for example “I’ve been arrested at least 20 times and the only thing that I have on my record is public intoxication”. This very well describes the way “race” effected/effects Connors life. Another example on how “race” effects a white person’s life, “When I got my job for example, I walked in there, and I just looked like a clean cut white person, and they hired me pretty much because of that reason, it’s just the small things that no one really notices, but life’s a little bit easier being white.”- Nicholas from the whiteness project. In this quote Nicholas clearly states that it is just much more easier being white. These are all not things that are monumental in these people’s lives, they won’t have to hide their true self and put on a false persona to get a job. They don’t have to cover their identity when walking in a store, so they don’t get accused of stealing.   

“Race”, just reading, hearing, or seeing the word gives me so many flashbacks or being profiled, demoralized or verbally abused. Even when it is told as a joke it still makes me feel a certain type of way of being in the skin I am in, but I will never shame myself for who I am. This statement can be related to the fact that I feel as police or the people who are supposed to be protecting us are either killing us or taking their time saving us because of this idea of race. In the blackness project a man who was interviewed says, “We all a army you know and out here instead of the police doing out here what they doing we suppose to be policing our own communities. When you seeing something out here some type of injustice don’t be a punk man intervein say something that’s your right to say something you know what I mean.” This is a pure example of how black people have become accustomed to trying their best to save themselves and set rules for themselves. There is one more example that explains how just the color of our skin has labeled us as the enemy over the years. Jamie shares her experience, “Every time I come in contact with police it’s always a problem of course, I’m black you white you part of the law I’m a black man out here you think I’m selling drugs, well actually I’m on my way to work.”  

If you want my honest opinion, I feel that there would never be an end to racism, I feel like if there was an end. The forever lasting scar would be prone to reopen any time of the day. The only way I feel as if there would be close to an end of racism is raising the next generation of children to no see people as the color of their skin but the color of their blood. Because in that sense we are all the same and equal. But, the downfall to attempting that is, the racists people would not be for raising their children to become not racist, I am a firm believer in you are not born a racist you are taught to be a racist.   

The Blackness Project, this is not a clap back at the whiteness project even though that is what it may seem to be. But the Blackness Project is a story, an insight, a learning experience for the people who don’t experience. These people who spoke in this project are people who I relate to on a level in which the Caucasian community. This story is a story about what the African American race has been going through for over 265 years. From slavery to modern day mental enslavement. A story about the trials and tribulations of what we as a race go through on a regular day basis. A story on experience and pain, that pain that will be forever embedded in the African American people’s minds and souls. An insight on these people’s individual stories, these individual struggles that they endure. And finally, a learning experience, take it however you’d like but watching this should be a learning experience in a way that you try and put yourself in the shoes of the people who struggle, the poor, the mentally weak, the people who fall short of societal demands.   

We all have a shadow; it is not always visible because sometimes it may be dark outside or there just may be no light where you are standing now. But our shadows are there, they are just something we live with whether they are behind you or beside you. The African American culture is constantly judged by the shadows of their past, “aggressive”, “thieves”, a whole bunch of names and things that people define the black culture as just because of the look of a shadow, something you can’t even see clearly. The black culture has been enslaved in many different forms, and yes, in my eyes black people are still enslaved. Maybe not physically but mentally, we wake up knowing that some societal norms and the way society talks about black people not being able to complete school, have certain jobs, or do certain things. Most of the African American culture has a feeling of not being able to do certain things because society portrays them to being incapable of holding certain positions and jobs. An article in the New York Times perfectly demonstrates and portrays the topics at hand. The article states that, “Ramon Ray, 46, a New Jersey entrepreneur, always dresses in a suit or a sweater. But he has still been asked by strangers to park a car or been handed luggage or a coat to hang up. The bias, Mr. Ray said, was an assumption that he was “the help.” He is also aware of the racist assumption that black men are menacing. It has prompted him to modify his behavior in ways that include keeping his distance from white female strangers, especially in isolated places like parking lots.” There is your reality.   

I personally cannot believe that this is a conversation that is still happening, that this is a conversation that is held on an everyday basis. Lorna from the blackness project states “”I felt frustration, I felt frustrated because it is a clear indication that we are still having the same conversation that we were having when I was younger, I thought we would have advanced by now”. For years upon years this has been an ongoing problem throughout out many different generations of people. And all these people go through the same issues even when they are generations apart, they still relate to older generations problems. This shows how deep our blood runs, through suffering, mental and physically destruction, abuse, and every single African American soul is affected. That’s the deep story.   

“Race”, “race” has been an ongoing issue for years, I feel like this is the root of all our problems as a human race. “Race” has taken over the way we work as a society, it has diminished opportunities on a societal and personal standpoint, If you pretend to say that the idea of “race” is not real and is not alive and well than this may not be your favorite piece of writing. In this essay I will be trying to explain, portray, and dissect the ideas of “race” and the negative aspects of it. I will be trying to explain how people in modern day society use words, phrases, ideas, images, beliefs and patterns of thought to talk about how race relates to reality. Finally, you will hear my standpoint on where I stand in the idea of thinking of a way where there could be an end to racism.   

Here’s a simple way to make you realize that “race” is alive and well. What is the first thing you see when you see someone in a distance whether it is at a bar, park or football game? Most of today’s society will say that they see the color of one’s skin, in which I am not surprised about. All of these consecutive years of the simple label of black and white manipulated the human mind to the point where the color of someone’s skin is the first thing you see when you lay your eyes on them. It all started with the simple label of black, white, tan, purple, pink all these labels were the start of something big. I know some people wish they didn’t see like this and I know some people wish that they didn’t have this habit. I am a product of this, no I am not racist what so ever, but I usually see the color of someone’s skin before anything. This just shows that there is a problem and it has been passed down.   

Not only did we label people by the color of their skin, but we gave a definition and stereotype to the color. Whites are usually the wealthier and proper group, compared to blacks where they are defined as the poorer and unproper and ghetto group. In one of the articles in the transcripts Suzanne states, “So, by 1691, we have a definition of white and we have constructed race in what becomes the United States. It’s important that we see this creation was for the upliftment of white people, primarily to support the white people at the top. Poor and working-class whites will get little. They will get just as much as is needed to ensure their allegiance.” – Suzanne. This quote clearly represents my point of the labels and definitions we give.   

What is even worse about this topic of conversation is that I know some people who use these labels and definitions against other people, or they use it for their own sake, instead of trying to get out of the habit of these labels and definitions. For example, while watching the videos of whiteness I stumbled upon two very clear and good examples of two men using their labels and definitions to their advantage, “When I got my job for example, I walked in there, and I just looked like a clean cut white person, and they hired me pretty much because of that reason, it’s just the small things that no one really notices, but life’s a little bit easier being white.”- Nicholas. Secondly “There have been plenty of times where I had consciously taken advantage of the fact that I am white and umm you know I always kind of knew that if I got in trouble I could just get a lawyer, suit up, show up and it’ll just be a slap on the wrist, for example “I’ve been arrested at least 20 times and the only thing that I have on my record is public intoxication”- Connor   

I speak from the heart; I speak from experience and I speak for the people who can’t. This topic of conversation has been detrimental to my life along with the life of millions of other colored people in this country. Everything I spoke on is true, pure, and my reality. If there were to ever be an end to the racial diversity, the judgement of another person’s skin, and the labels put on my people, I don’t think it will be permanent. I would treat this topic as a healing wound that would never be fully healed. If there were to ever be an end to the racial injustice of today’s modern-day society, it would have to be a complete one hundred eighty degree turn in the beliefs in the next generations views on the color of someone’s skin. I see that as nearly impossible simply because there will always be one person who is taught to be racist or taught to look at black people as the labels that are already stamped on us. I hope this piece of writing gives you an insight on the life I live along with the life of other minorities. We need to unite and stand as one and defeat the constant persistence of racial judgement.  

Social Change

Social change, is a change I feel that happens as a whole. Yes a person can change a habit by themselves but as a whole. I feel that society can change a lot of bad habits that this generation has developed. One easy way that this can be accomplished is social media. If you blast a certain thing on social media and demoralize it then society will have a different outlook on the habit or product. Another way is you can put incentives on the product, which is like how the government bumped the prices on cigarettes up and the sale of them went down. Finally, this can tie them all together, societal pressure is another way to make society stop with the bad habits.

Whiteness and Blackness Relation

The Whiteness Project and the Blackness Project are both huge statement makers. Both projects portray a loud voice with very strong statements involving the racial tensions that run throughout the US today. Also, both projects give the people who participated a chance to share their personal experience with the problem of racism or to just speak about the topic of race. I feel like all these people on both sides had something to say about the topic at hand. Some things that the people in the whiteness project said were senseless and arrogant but some of the other people in the whiteness project said some things that really made me realize that there are good people who don’t use the color of their skin as a perk. On the other hand, the blackness project displays the same boundaries where people talk about their experiences and things of that such. The blackness project felt deeper obviously because, number one I can relate to their problems, but they also have firsthand experience with the problems that come with racial tensions and racism.  

The issue involving “race” is a figure in everyone’s lives, white or black but it may just figure and effect our lives in different ways. For example, Connor from the whiteness project states, “There have been plenty of times where I had consciously taken advantage of the fact that I am white and umm you know I always kind of knew that if I got in trouble I could just get a lawyer, suit up, show up and it’ll just be a slap on the wrist” for example “I’ve been arrested at least 20 times and the only thing that I have on my record is public intoxication”. This very well describes the way “race” effected/effects Connors life. Another example on how “race” effects a white person’s life, “When I got my job for example, I walked in there, and I just looked like a clean cut white person, and they hired me pretty much because of that reason, it’s just the small things that no one really notices, but life’s a little bit easier being white.”- Nicholas. In this quote Nicholas clearly states that it is just much more easier being white. These are all not things that are monumental in these people’s lives, they won’t have to hide their true self and put on a false persona to get a job. They don’t have to cover their identity when walking in a store, so they don’t get accused of stealing.  

“Race”, just reading, hearing, or seeing the word gives me so many flashbacks or being profiled, diminished or abused verbally. Even when it is told as a joke it still makes me feel bad. This statement can be related to the fact that I feel as police or the people who are supposed to be protecting us are either killing us or taking their time saving us because of this idea of race. In the blackness project a man who was interviewed says, “We all a army you know and out here instead of the police doing out here what they doing we suppose to be policing our own communities. When you seeing something out here some type of injustice don’t be a punk man intervein say something that’s your right to say something you know what I mean.” This is a pure example of how black people have become accustomed to trying their best to save themselves and set rules for themselves. There is one more example that explains how just the color of our skin has labeled us as the enemy over the years. Jamie shares her experience, “Every time I come in contact with police it’s always a problem of course, I’m black you white you part of the law I’m a black man out here you think I’m selling drugs, well actually I’m on my way to work.” 

If you want my honest opinion, I feel that there would never be an end to racism, I feel like if there was an end. The forever lasting scar would be prone to reopen any time of the day. The only way I feel as if there would be close to an end of racism is raising the next generation of children to no see people as the color of their skin but the color of their blood. Because in that sense we are all the same and equal. But, the downfall to attempting that is, the racists people would not be for raising their children to become not racist, I am a firm believer in you are not born a racist you are taught to be a racist.  

Blackness Project Informal 1

The Blackness Project, this is not a clap back at the whiteness project even though that is what it may seem to be. But the Blackness Project is a story, an insight, a learning experience for the people who don’t experience. These people who spoke in this project are people who I relate to on a level in which the Caucasian community. This story is a story about what the African American race has been going through for over 265 years. From slavery to modern day mental enslavement. A story about the trials and tribulations of what we as a race go through on a regular day basis. A story on experience and pain, that pain that will be forever embedded in the African American people’s minds and souls. An insight on these people’s individual stories, these individual struggles that they endure. And finally, a learning experience, take it however you’d like but watching this should be a learning experience in a way that you try and put yourself in the shoes of the people who struggle, the poor, the mentally weak, the people who fall short of societal demands.  

We all have a shadow; it is not always visible because sometimes it may be dark outside or there just may be no light where you are standing now. But our shadows are there, they are just something we live with whether they are behind you or beside you. The African American culture is constantly judged by the shadows of their past, “aggressive”, “thieves”, a whole bunch of names and things that people define the black culture as just because of the look of a shadow, something you can’t even see clearly. The black culture has been enslaved in many different forms, and yes, in my eyes black people are still enslaved. Maybe not physically but mentally, we wake up knowing that some societal norms and the way society talks about black people not being able to complete school, have certain jobs, or do certain things. Most of the African American culture has a feeling of not being able to do certain things because society portrays them to being incapable of holding certain positions and jobs. An article in the New York Times perfectly demonstrates and portrays the topics at hand. The article states that, “Ramon Ray, 46, a New Jersey entrepreneur, always dresses in a suit or a sweater. But he has still been asked by strangers to park a car or been handed luggage or a coat to hang up. The bias, Mr. Ray said, was an assumption that he was “the help.” He is also aware of the racist assumption that black men are menacing. It has prompted him to modify his behavior in ways that include keeping his distance from white female strangers, especially in isolated places like parking lots.” There is your reality.  

I personally cannot believe that this is a conversation that is still happening, that this is a conversation that is held on an everyday basis. Lorna from the blackness project states “”I felt frustration, I felt frustrated because it is a clear indication that we are still having the same conversation that we were having when I was younger, I thought we would have advanced by now”. For years upon years this has been an ongoing problem throughout out many different generations of people. And all these people go through the same issues even when they are generations apart, they still relate to older generations problems. This shows how deep our blood runs, through suffering, mental and physically destruction, abuse, and every single African American soul is affected. That’s the deep story.  

Informal Paper Draft 1

“Race”, “race” has been an ongoing issue for years, I feel like this is the root of all of our problems as a human race. “Race” has taken over the way we work as a society, it has diminished opportunities on a societal and personal standpoint, If you pretend to say that the idea of “race” is not real and is not alive and well than this may not be your favorite piece of writing. In this essay I will be trying to explain, portray, and dissect the ideas of “race” and the negative aspects of it. I will be trying to explain how people in modern day society use words, phrases, ideas, images, beliefs and patterns of thought to talk about how race relates to reality. Finally, you will hear my standpoint on where I stand in the idea of thinking of a way where there could be an end to racism.  

Here’s a simple way to make you realize that “race” is alive and well. What is the first thing you see when you see someone in a distance whether it is at a bar, park or football game? Most of today’s society will say that they see the color of one’s skin, in which I am not surprised about. All of these consecutive years of the simple label of black and white manipulated the human mind to the point where the color of someone’s skin is the first thing you see when you lay your eyes on them. It all started with the simple label of black, white, tan, purple, pink all these labels were the start of something big. I know some people wish they didn’t see like this and I know some people wish that they didn’t have this habit. I am a product of this, no I am not racist what so ever, but I usually see the color of someone’s skin before anything. This just shows that there is a problem and it has been passed down.  

Not only did we label people by the color of their skin, but we gave a definition and stereotype to the color. Whites are usually the wealthier and proper group, compared to blacks where they are defined as the poorer and unproper and ghetto group. In one of the articles in the transcripts Suzanne states, “So, by 1691, we have a definition of white and we have constructed race in what becomes the United States. It’s important that we see this creation was for the upliftment of white people, primarily to support the white people at the top. Poor and working-class whites will get little. They will get just as much as is needed to ensure their allegiance.” – Suzanne. This quote clearly represents my point of the labels and definitions we give.  

What is even worse about this topic of conversation is that I know some people who use these labels and definitions against other people, or they use it for their own sake, instead of trying to get out of the habit of these labels and definitions. For example, while watching the videos of whiteness I stumbled upon two very clear and good examples of two men using their labels and definitions to their advantage, “When I got my job for example, I walked in there, and I just looked like a clean cut white person, and they hired me pretty much because of that reason, it’s just the small things that no one really notices, but life’s a little bit easier being white.”- Nicholas. Secondly “There have been plenty of times where I had consciously taken advantage of the fact that I am white and umm you know I always kind of knew that if I got in trouble could just get a lawyer, suit up, show up and itll just be a slap on the wrist” for example “I’ve been arrested at least 20 times and the only thing that I have on my record is public intoxication”– Connor  

Mixing People Bullet Point HW 2

  1. I feel as if it is so hard to answer accurately who is exactly a Native Hawaiian because not just in Hawaii but in the whole world, there is so many mixed people, mixed DNA and mixed genes in this world that it is hard to even determine who is 100% one specific race. The only way that I can see in my why’s about why this even matters is from a scientific stand point because why should it matter anyway what someone is mixed with or if someone is 100% something.  Maybe in Hawaii it would be cool to them to try and understand who is really 100% Native Hawaiian because it may contribute greatly to their society and their beliefs which is something they can take up upon themselves. But in my yes I don’t see any reason why this should matter to me.
  2. Hawaiian’s integration and their neighborhood integration has pushed Hawaii to be a model for the description of what ethnic and racial harmony is. There are two main materials to think with while reading this are “why ethnic harmony exists in Hawaii?” and “what principles of ethnic harmony to the mainland and the world”

Hawaii and The Mixing of Peoples

  1. Some of the implications of “ethnic thinking” and and on going research with the aim of trying to prove that all groups of people are mixed previous groups of people. History is a very simple but big implication that can be easily explained with the goal of proving that point. Another is genetic testing, and physical structures, even though it is very stereotypical to judge someones race and background off of their build and physical stature. It may still be used as an implication in trying to prove that point.
  2. Two central beliefs that portray the relationship among race, biology and culture. One of those beliefs is the history behind all of this, with the European people traveling to Hawaii and performing intermarriage with the Hawaiian people easily shows that these DNA strands and genetics can be traced from that time to modern day. Another is the judgement on physical stature and the way someone looks, this isn’t politically correct but speaking on these terms it can be used in that way.

Ending Racism

“Race”, no not the one were you told ride your car around in circles as fast as you can, not the horses and not even in feet. Race is when a person has a different belief compared to others , and sadly race is color. White, black, tan, race is body type, race is hair texture. Race is a bunch of different things that you are categorized by. Not every black person is the same not white person is the same. I believe there will never be an end to racisms because of the fact that there are still people these days that are racist and they will always be racist until they leave.

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